Levi Carlson

Fargo, North Dakota
(802) 851-0009 ยท levicarlson123@gmail.com

I am proficient in the PERN Stack which consists of PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node. I am also proficient in HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and vanilla JavaScript. I have some knowledge of C# and have used it's capabilities as an ORM.


Software Engineer

Emerging Digital Academy

Learn a fullstack of programming languages required to build fully fledged web applications. Gain the knowledge required to more easily pickup new programming languages. Learn to effectively communicate with fellow programmers as well as businesses.

April 2020 - August 2020

Delivery Driver


Pickup a customer's order on time and deliver their order in a timely manner. Verify that all items ordered are present and accounted for. Contact customer on arrival and complete order.

January 2020 - April 2020

Data Entry / Delivery

Scherling Photography

Properly crop and edit photos if needed. Input school photo orders and verify that the information inputted is correct. Correct orders with minor errors. Package completed orders. Deliver local orders to schools and mail out orders outside of Fargo.

August 2019 - January 2020

Delivery Driver / Front End

Papa John's

Deliver a customer's order in a timely manner with all requested items present. Correctly input phone and/or in-person orders. Keep ingredients like sauce, toppings, and sides like soda consistently stocked and ready for use.

September 2018 - August 2019


Emerging Digital Academy - Fargo, ND

Full Stack Developer
Computer Science
April 2020 - August 2020

Peoples Academy

High School Student

GPA: 3.8

September 2015 - June 2017


  • Attention to Detail
  • Organization Skills
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Analytical Skills
  • Independent Worker
  • Self-Disciplined
  • Conscientious


The Turtle Mountain Connect web app allows the volunteers of Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue to create and assign tasks to other users. They can also post or respond to questions pertaining to specific tasks, or view the company's general policies and view your past questions.

This project simulates a site that lists movies. When clicking on a movie, it will bring you a detailed view where you can read the description and see the genres related to that selected title. You can also edit each movie title and description. Upon saving, your changes will be stored in a database.

This project aims to recreate a feedback form similar to that of EDA's. It contains four input pages in which you provide your level of feeling, understanding, support, and also any comments you may have to add. Upon pressing submit on the final review page, a post request will be sent to the server, where the server will then take that information and make a query to a database to save the information you provided.

This project simulates a 'pet hotel' of sorts. Users can add pet owners, remove pet owners, add pets to pet owners and likewise remove them. The main goal of this project was to learn and get used to using C# for the back-end and connect that to the React front-end.

This app allows you to create tasks. Each task may have a name, detailed description, and priority. Tasks will automatically be sorted by the highest priority. Uncompleted tasks will be shown before completed ones. Task adding and editing uses Ajax to send HTTP requests to the back-end and run SQL queries to the database.

This app takes two inputs and does a math operation on them. It stores a history of calculations that is constant until the server restarts or is turned off. Input validation prevents invalid numbers and characters. Dividing by zero is protected against.


As an avid gamer, I've always been interested in computers and video games, and have been wanting to pursue programming for a while. Before attending Emerging Digital Academy, I had minimal experience with languages like JS. I had used HTML and CSS enough to know my way around at that point, but I wanted more.
